Jenny Short - Garden designer

Did you know we have a garden designer on-site?

Expert garden designer, Jenny Short can assist with any plans you have for your outdoor space or any problems you cannot resolve.

A lovely garden is a great place to restore your peace of mind and revive your enthusiasm so it is worth making the most of it. Jenny works on all sorts of sites, from two or three acre fields to pocket handkerchief courtyards. She believes every single garden, whatever its defects, has the potential to become beautiful and welcoming. Jenny works to find that potential and capitalise on it with her designs.

In every garden she works as much as possible with the lie of the land to avoid excessive construction work. In planting schemes she will generally select plants that will flourish in your particular soil and will be favourable to local wildlife too.

Whatever you require from your garden – whether it is to accommodate young children, do your gardening from a wheelchair or simply sit on a lounger and enjoy – Jenny will design a garden to perfectly meet those needs. This could be a major change or just minor tweaking. Whatever the starting point, you will always end up with a garden that will be easy to look after and give you interest all year round.

If you would like to discuss your garden with Jenny, please come and visit her office here at the garden centre. You can also have a look at some of the gardens she’s designed on our display boards.


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