General garden maintenance

Bird feed
Remember the birds this autumn and winter, and make sure you put food and water out every day. We have a huge selection of feeders, tables and food – everything you’ll need to keep our feathered friends happy and healthy.

Pest watch
Although most pests and diseases are less active in autumn and winter, be vigilant for problems, and deal with them as soon as they’re seen. Houseplants and plants overwintered in greenhouses and frames are especially susceptible to pests but can be quickly helped with a pesticide spray. 

Maintaining a high humidity around most foliage houseplants, especially those in centrally-heated houses, will help keep them strong and healthy and help reduce red spider mite attacks. The reverse is true in greenhouses and frames where high humidity can lead to problems with mould and other diseases.

Greenhouse products
Make sure your greenhouse and frames are ready for winter so that you can move your tender plants into them as soon as warnings of frosts are heard. We have a wide range of essential products including heaters, thermometers, bubble wrap and fleece.

Don’t throw away your spent bedding plants, kitchen waste and other plant material – turn them into valuable compost for improving your soil and mulching your beds. Fallen tree leaves can be turned into leafmould, which makes the perfect soil improver and mulch for rhododendrons, azaleas and other woodland plants. Making good compost and leafmould is easy with our wide range of compost bins, compost and leafmould accelerators, leaf rakes and collectors. Just ask our helpful staff if you need any assistance with successful composting.


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