It’s tea thyme!

Making your own herbal tea from the herbs in your garden, patio or windowsill is simple and fun. You can make a cuppa with fresh herbs or dry them to use during the winter months.

Our favourites for tea-making include chamomile, jasmine, lemon verbena, peppermint, thyme and rosemary.

For a quick and easy cup of tea, just tear and carefully bruise a bunch of leaves to release the oils, pop in a pot of freshly boiled water, cover, leave for around five minutes, strain, serve and sweeten to taste.

When you take the leaves off your herb plant, just be careful not to take too many at once as this could kill the plant.

Drinking freshly brewed tea using herbs from your garden is good for you too. Fresh plants can help strengthen the immune system and detoxify as they are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. They taste good too.

Happy herb growing and tea drinking!


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