Autumn is the perfect time for some planning…

As gardens start to lose their summer colour it’s a good time to take stock and work out what new plants you’d like and which ones need to be moved, replaced or replanted.

Autumn is the best time to replant your garden as there’s a wide range of new stock and plants that will establish quickly. You can even plan new features, so ensure you get plenty of ideas from books and our well-stocked plantaria.

Conifers give structure, form and colour to gardens all year round and they grow to a range of heights from ground cover to large trees. Why not plant some versatile conifers now to enhance your garden?

Meanwhile, deciduous trees and shrubs that have been affected by pests or diseases this year will benefit from a winter wash after their leaves have fallen.

And if you’re looking to bring a bit of colour into your home we have some wonderful indoor cyclamen and azaleas now in-stock. They will need somewhere cool with good indirect light.

Make sure you keep the compost moist for best results and feed weekly with a flowering houseplant fertiliser for long lasting blooms. 


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