Brightening up your home and garden during winter

Brighten up your home this winter with our superb quality, colourful azaleas and cyclamen.

They’re easy to look after – just put them somewhere cool and in good, indirect light. Keep the compost moist and feed regularly for best results.

If your garden is looking a bit dull and lacks structure, brighten it up with evergreen shrubs, many of which also have other attractions such as flowers and berries to provide colour all year round. Get newly-planted evergreen shrubs off to the best possible start by planting with compost and slow-release fertiliser.

Once the first frost has blackened the foliage of dahlias it’s time to carefully lift the tubers for overwintering in a cool but frost-free place.

Remove any loose soil and hang them upside down for a few days to drain any water in the stems. Then remove all dried soil, label and store them in just damp compost. The tubers of cannas and large-flowered begonias will also need lifting. Canna tubers are also stored in just damp compost, but begonias should be stored dry in nets.


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