Plant a tree to match yours or a loved one’s birth sign
If you’re searching for a novel Christmas gift you can now give a tree to match your loved ones’ birth sign.
We have put together a tree collection to coincide with the zodiac or more accurately to work alongside a tree sign system developed by the Celts.
We discovered that trees were so sacred to the Celts that they developed a connection between them and people’s birth dates.
This link was developed further by the Victorians more than 100 years ago. So, for example, if your baby is due or was born between August 24 and September 2, it will be a pine, September 3 to September 12, a weeping willow and September 13 to September 22 a lime.
The zodiac sign system will be launched at the garden centre during our Tree Week, which runs from November 28 until December 6 and ties in with National Tree Week.
You can find out the tree sign that corresponds with your birth date and from this you will be able to find out what it means to your personality.
At the event there will also be free displays and information about selecting, growing and caring for your trees.
According to the Celtic myths and legends, an Ash is supposed to denote someone who is ambitious, attractive and vivacious. A Hornbeam is blessed with good taste and takes care of its looks. While an apple person is claimed to have a ‘strong aura’.
It is claimed that if you plant your tree sign in your garden, you will gain strength from it.
Trees make an unusual present to suit any occasion, especially if you select one that corresponds to the birth date of the person you intend giving it to. You could even buy a tree for each member of your family to plant in your garden together or as a wedding gift. It’s a gift that grows.
What’s your tree sign?
The Celts invented a form of astrology, which assigns everyone a tree depending on birth date.
December 23 – January 1 - apple
January 2 – January 11 - fir
January 12 – January 24 - elm
January 25 – February 3 - cypress
February 4 – February 18 - cedar
February 19 – February 29 - pine
March 1 – March 10 - weeping willow
March 11 – March 20 - lime
March 21 – oak
March 22 – March 31 - hazelnut
April 1 – April 10 - rowan
April 11 – April 20 - maple
April 21 – April 30 - walnut
May 1 – May 14 - poplar
May 15 – May 24 - chestnut
May 25 – June 3 - ash
June 4 – June 13 - hornbeam
June 14 – June 23 - fig
June 24 – birch
June 25 – Aug 4 - cypress
August 5 – August 13 - poplar
August 14 – August 23 - cedar
August 24 – September 2 - pine
September 3 – September 12 - weeping willow
September 13 – September 22 - lime
September 23 – olive
September 24 – October 3 - hazelnut
October 4 – October 13 - rowan
October 14 – October 23 - maple
October 24 – November 11 - walnut
November 12 – November 21 - chestnut
November 22 – December 1 - ash
December 2 – December 11 - hornbeam
December 12 – December 21 - fig
December 22 – beech
APPLE – loving, attractive, strong aura which draws others to you. Flirtatious, adventurous and sensitive. You need to be loved and to love. Carefree and imaginative.
FIR – mysterious, stubborn, moody. Need to get your own way but can be kind with it. Dignified with a cultured air, which makes others jealous. Ambitious, talented. Prone to make enemies but also have numerous friends.
ELM – noble, cheerful and generous. Undemanding but does not find it easy to forgive and forget. Honest and faithful in love. Often have a know-it-all attitude.
CYPRESS – faithful, adaptable, pragmatic, content and optimistic. You like to have money and can get angry if people do not acknowledge your gifts. Can be fiery tempered and careless of others’ feelings. Passionate in love.
POPLAR – uncertain, artistic, organised, philosophical, good at seeing both sides of an argument. Lonely and lacking in confidence. Reliable and serious in love.
CEDAR – confident, tend to look down on those who are less self-assured, adaptable, industrious and optimistic. Prepared to wait a long time for true love to arrive.
PINE – particular, healthy, active, practical and trustworthy. A natural companion which makes you attractive to others. High standards when it comes to selecting a partner, but you fall in love quickly. Can be disappointed in love as a result.
WEEPING WILLOW – melancholy. Beautiful with a quality of sadness and reserve that makes you a mystery. Empathetic, full of intuition, love travel. A restless but honest dreamer. Demanding in love and often suffer until you find the perfect partner to support you.
LIME – reluctant. Make huge sacrifices for friends. Limes have many talents,
but lack the tenacity to make dreams come true. Loyal, jealous and unable to give up lovers lightly. Generally accepting and composed.
OAK – strong, courageous, unrelenting, independent and sensible. Healthy and down to earth, you always get what you want.
HAZELNUT – extraordinary, charming and well liked. Active fighter, moody and capricious lover. Tolerant and honest in love, understanding but sometimes devilish.
ROWAN – sensitive, charming, cheery and talented but not egotistical. Attractive to others. Enjoy life to the full, good company and have a passionate and artistic nature. Tend to make life complicated to seek attention, especially when in love.
MAPLE – independent and original, with a vivid imagination. Clever, ambitious and keen to experience new and different things. Can be nervous and have hang ups, which complicate your love life.
WALNUT – passionate, spontaneous and contrasting. Unpredictable, aggressive and unrelenting in pursuing goals. Broadminded and noble. A difficult and inflexible partner. Not always liked but often admired.
CHESTNUT – honest with a high sense of justice. A diplomat. Can be overly sensitive. Tend to love only once and can find it hard to find a partner.
ASH – ambitious, attractive and vivacious. You hate criticism and can be egotistical. Ambitious and talented. You enjoy taking risks. Reliable and an unusually faithful lover.
HORNBEAM – a cool beauty, perhaps a vain obsession with looks. Conscientious, egotistical and mistrusting. Imaginative. Dreams of unusual lovers even when happy in love.
FIG – sensible, practical and independent. Wilful. The most important element of your life is your family. Fond of animals. A social butterfly. A good sense of humour.
BIRCH – inspiring, vivacious, elegant, friendly and unpretentious. You love nature and beauty but lack passion and ambition. Otherworldly and imaginative.
OLIVE – wise, deeply loving, reasonable and balanced. Avoid aggression and violence. Tolerant, cheery and empathetic. Love reading and enjoy the company of intelligent people.
BEECH – creative, appearance orientated. Organised, leader who has everything under control. Creative in all aspects of your life. Materialistic. Reasonable and tolerant you make a companion of a lifetime.
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