What seed potatoes to choose and when will they be ready?


If you’re going to GYO potatoes this year, then pop in and have a chat with our resident expert Tom in February and he can help you choose the varieties that might suit you.Remember you don’t need a huge garden to try a few potato varieties, just space for a pot or two. Be adventurous and try a few different varieties that you haven’t tasted before. But above all, have fun.

If you want to see some action fast then go for first earlies, such as Rocket and Swift. They will crop relatively early at around 12 weeks after planting. You can expect to see 12 to 18 small fresh and tasty early potatoes. If you are patient give it another couple of weeks before lifting.

Second earlies and maincrop will crop later in the year, as they are planted later, early to late April.

Look to late July/mid-August before attempting to lift maincrop potatoes. The foliage will die back and it is at this point they should be lifted.


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