Create your own herb garden

June is the perfect month for creating your own culinary herb garden and the Horticultural Trade Association (HTA) has declared herbs as its plant of the month.
Select varieties with ornamental appeal such as thyme, rosemary, clipped bay and flowering chives as they will not only be useful in your cooking but also look great too.
You can go for any design when creating your herb garden and you can even just open for lots of herbs in pots. There are no definite design rules but it is often sensible to define the space using bricks or paving giving easy access for picking. 

Go for an informal mix or choose a formal pattern or cartwheel design. As a centrepiece plant a large, shrubby herb such as rosemary or sage, a formally clipped bay tree, or a potted herb arrangement.

In small spaces herbs can be grown in pots, either planting them individually and grouping them together into displays or creating bold combinations in larger containers. 

As many herbs have Mediterranean origins, they relish a site in full sun where they can bask all summer long. 

Soil must be free-draining too, as wet and waterlogged ground will lead to root damage, and for pots choose a free-draining loam-based compost.

A large selection of herb plants are available from us now, drop in for lots of free advice on the topic from our plantaria experts and pop back to our blog tomorrow to find out more about herbs.


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