New in our giftware department: Stunning Tealight holders by Plaristo

Each year our giftware department sells hundreds of candles. You love them, we love them and there is no better gift to receive than a beautifully crafted candle and holder. We sell a wide range, from large scented Yankee candle jars down to handmade Tealight size miniatures.

We recently added a range of Tealight holders from German manufacturer Plaristo. Firstly we have a range of glowing glass holders. These holders are painted with various colourful designs which glow gently when occupied by a burning tealight.

We also have a range of metal and glass carousels. These lovely carousels have beautiful designs not only on the carousel spinner, they also have it going round the outside of the glass. They can be used for all seasons including during the spring, summer months inside and out. The intricate carousel slowly rotates, being pushed by the rising heat from the candle within.

Finally we have a range of Domelights. These are manufactured out of finest biscuit porcelain. They come packed in an attractive gift. A dome with a very detailed design - like a relief -is placed onto a plate with a tea light. When the tea light burns the design shines through the dome and provides a wonderful atmosphere.


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