Plant Of The Month - March - Scabious: Butterfly Blue
Picture in your mind a quintessential English country garden, and there, in the traditional border would be a clump of Scabious, flowering its heart out. Known as the Pincushion flower, due to the prominent stamens rising from compact, round blooms, which look like pins in a pincushion, this hardy free flowering perennial has to be one of our favourite cottage garden plants. Not only will it flower for many months it is also a delicious nectar bar for bees butterflies and other insects. We have selected Scabious 'Butterfly Blue' and it's offspring 'Pink Mist' because, unlike the old fashioned Scabious causicus, they are very compact,flower continually, and do not need staking or supporting. Scabious 'Butterfly Blue' was introduced to the UK Garden Centre market back in 1985 and was an overnight success, with over 20,000 plants sold in it's first season. This lavender-blue flowering form was originally selected several years before f...