Summer Strawberries

There is nothing better than a bowl of freshly picked, ripe strawberries, warm from the sun, sprinkled with sugar and doused with cream! Lets take a look at some of our favourite strawberry varieties, along with some other soft fruit that will make your mouth water. All can be grown in pots, and with a little care, will reward you handsomely for several years to come. Strawberry plants are available in three main types – summer fruiting, ever bearers and day-neutral. If you have room for just a few plants, summer fruiting varieties would be the best for you. There is a huge choice here, but we love 'Honeyoye' (even though its name is hard to pronounce!) for early crops, Rhapsody for late cropping, and good old 'Elsanta' as a good all-rounder. Elsanta is the variety most often grown for the supermarkets, for good reason. It is heavy cropping, easy to grow and with a good flavour. If you have the space, try some of each to extend your picking season. E...