Caring for Poinsettias

The tale goes that the child was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar. Crimson ‘blossoms’ sprouted from the weeds and became beautiful poinsettias.
Although associated with Christmas, if properly cared for a poinsettia should bloom until March, giving plenty of colour in the house during the duller months.
If you have trouble keeping yours looking good all Christmas long then check out our free guide:
- When you get your poinsettia home, place it in a warm, draught free and sunny spot
- Don’t allow its leaves to touch cold windows
- Give your poinsettia a drink when the top soil is dry - if it’s in a saucer then make sure you empty it out too
- Feed your poinsettia once a week with a houseplant feed to get the best from it.
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